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After a series of tumultuous events in 2016 led to The Deadlips having to put on hold the completion of their second EP, they are thrilled to announce their return with their new track Amends, the first single off their upcoming second EP. Produced by Tim Henwood and Julian Schweitzer, this latest track is a powerhouse of raw rock, with grinding verses and soaring choruses, topped off with the angsty vocals from frontwoman, Madi O’Shea.

The Deadlips have started their 2017 campaign with a bang by tirelessly gigging, coming back stronger than ever with a barrage of new material and a revitalised approach to their music. Their dynamo of musical energy consists of four members – Madi O’Shea, Hugh Kirne, Patrick Cooke and Lucas Veliou. O’Shea’s ‘sultry vocals’ (Rod Whitfield’s review in The Music) pierce through the riff driven tunes while being complimented by the bluesy, flowing guitar melodies of Kirne’s guitar. The rhythm section is held down by the driving bass of Cooke and laid back, yet hard hitting, grooving drum style of Veliou. Together, they deliver a hard rock assault directly to your ears.

In terms of their live performance, Rod Whitfield has described it as ‘big, fat Zeppelin-esque grooves and funky shuffles all the way’ Their dynamic set, which keeps you headbanging throughout, can at times ‘get really loose mid-set, momentarily turning their surrounds into a smoky jazz/blues club in New Orleans’. This cauldron of grunge, blues and grooving rock is a must-see performance to add to your bucket list.


The Deadlips

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Preaching To The Choir (Official Music Video)

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